How rewarding would it be to connect with and receive blessings from your ancestors? To know how to commune with and honor the spirits of nature? To understand how healing the self ultimately heals the generations that came before and after you, and why this helps us to become more aligned healers ourselves?

And wouldn't it be wonderful to know how to get started right where you are so you could stop assuming that you have to somehow become the best version of yourself overnight? To feel confident that you're on the right track and worthy of fulfilling your spirit's mission now? 

Deciding to answer the call to the Shamanic path begins first with committing to step into a Spiritual path. These decisions towards elevation can feel like big medicine, and they are! However, that doesn't mean you can't begin at this very moment. Taking the first steps such as learning concepts, like the Principles of Nature and honoring your ancestors, will help pave the way for you to follow your soul's purpose. This will ensure that you find the customized techniques that will eventually become your own unique Shamanic practice. 

From this class you will: 

•Have an understanding of what Spiritual Awakenings and Spiritual Paths are

•Learn how healing is holistic and connects body to mind to spirit

•Learn concepts and techniques pertaining to Shadow Work and Dark Nights of the Soul

•Create a Physical Sacred Space/Altar for meditation and connecting to Spirit 

•And discover ways to be in balance with and honor nature

Why Choose Stepping into a Spiritual Path:

  • Expert Guidance: Led by Maestra Chavon Wyzdom DVine, a seasoned shamanic practitioner with a wealth of experience.
  • Foundation for Future Learning: Lay the groundwork for our Shamanic Training Certification Classes, opening the door to advanced shamanic practices.
  • Practical and Applicable: Immediate application of learned techniques for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

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